Assistance with completing the application will be available at intake centers. Applicants must complete the application and submit all required documents to a Neighborhood Intake Center. John JanuHome Maintenance & Repair Beginning in March, applications will be available online and at a number of locations throughout the city, including Neighborhood Intake Centers, City of Detroit Neighborhood District Managers’ offices, and City of Detroit Recreation Centers. Tags: real estate, personal finance, home improvements, housing market, home insurance Gary St. See individual business pages for full, detailed reviews. The HomeAdvisor Community Rating is an overall rating based on verified reviews and feedback from our community of homeowners that have been connected with service professionals. Get a free, no obligation, estimate to let us personalize your cleaning service based on size of house or apartment, number of animals, what your cleaning specific requirements are and your schedule. Our credentials and licensing provide you with worry-free service. While an employer might want to classify an employee as an independent contractor if possible, and thereby shift the burden of paying taxes, the rules laid down by the IRS are the controlling authority and, despite conventional wisdom’s sometimes shrill cry, not that difficult to interpret. Residential cleaning covers: Does anyone know if such a person would be considered an Employee or an Independent contractor by the IRS? The proper classification of a cleaning lady as an employee or independent contractor is a big deal to the Internal Revenue Service, since it pertains squarely to the method by which Federal Insurance Contributions Act, self-employment and income taxes are assessed and collected. A good hot soft wash with steam and proper detergents *might* make it look a less noticeable but we cannot guarantee the removal of oil stains. A good concrete sealer can prevent oil stains from occurring in the future but there isn’t an easy way to clean them once they’ve already happened. We do not make any promises to our customers as to the removal or disappearance of oil stains on concrete.

We offer commercial cleaning services to our customers, and we tailor our packages to suit their unique needs… Read More Oil stains are unsightly on concrete surfaces such as a driveway and they are very difficult to remove.

For over a decade, 5 Star Janitorial Service has built our reputation as being the preeminent janitorial service in Southern California.